LEGION Simulator Help

Project Defaults

Project-wide defaults are held in Simulator Project Settings. They provide defaults when new objects are created, for individual features like Generalised Journey Time (GJT) reporting and output recordings (videos, maps, graph images).

Values in Simulator Project Settings can be initialised from global LEGION Simulator settings found in Tools > Options.

Simulator Project Settings are accessed as a dialog box via:

  • The Analysis > Project Settings menu option.


  • The ‘Project Settings’ toolbar button on the ‘Analysis’ toolbar.
The Edit Simulator Project Settings dialog appears:

This dialog has several tabs with settings for various aspects of project analysis:

  1. General:
  2. JT and GJT Reports:
  3. Global GJT Weightings:
  4. Social Distancing:
  5. Camera, video, image, and Maps:

Some Simulator Project Settings are initialised from global defaults accessed via the Tools > Options menu. Objects that are initialised from values held in Simulator Project Settings usually have a configuration hierarchy like this:

Simulator Project Settings Hierarchy Tier
Defaults Provided Application Project Object
Map resolution
Conditional analysis visibility
JT + GJT reports
Global GJT weights
Social Distancing metrics configuration
Output defaults